This play just keeps getting better and better! Okay so there's some juicy flirting between Nora and Dr. Rank. Nora need a retribution because of her actions with Dr. Rank. She's a major flirt with him and it's just intolerable! The poor guy is really into her and she just takes it as a complete joke. How inconsiderate, wouldn't you agree? But then again, Nora can be so unpredictable because she's always saying or doing something out of the ordinary. This is really funny to me because Mrs. Linde was also questioning her about Dr. Rank. All this drama just makes the play even more interesting. :)
I feel Nora and Torvald's marriage is not going to be a happily ever after. The nicknames that Torvald gives Nora are just weird and are not the sweetest thing in the world. He calls her names such as "featherbrain" and "scatterbrain." How would you feel if your significant other was giving you these nicknames that just made you feel stupid? Anyway, Krogstad's letter seems to really put Nora in an uncomfortable position between her and her husband. Towards the end of Act II, she gets really worried and says "It's in the letter-box! Yes, it's there. Oh Torvald... Torvald-there's no hope for us now!" This quote really spoke to me because it shows the reader that she actually cares about their marriage. But at the same time it's confusing because she was not too long ago flirting with Dr. Rank. So as you can see, Nora is extremely capricious. And i also feel that this play is based on cause and effect. For example, because Mrs. Linde sees Dr. Rank with Nora all the time, the effect is Mrs. Linde questioning Nora about their relationship. I'm so excited for Act III! I really want to know what happens to Nora and her marriage.